


  • Curtain rod
  • Curtain fabric
  • Sewing needle
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Ruler
  • Decorative embellishments (optional)


1. Determine the width of your curtain rod.

Measure the width of your window frame, including the width of the window itself and any trim or molding. Add 2-3 inches to this measurement for seam allowance.

2. Cut the curtain fabric to the desired width and length.

Use a measuring tape and ruler to determine the length of the curtain. Add 2-3 inches to this measurement for seam allowance.

3. Prepare the curtain fabric.

Iron the curtain fabric to remove wrinkles. Cut out the desired shape of the curtain, including the border.

4. Attach the curtain rod to the curtain.

Thread the sewing needle and tie a knot at the end of the curtain rod. Insert the needle into the eyelet on the curtain rod and pull the curtain tight.

5. Start sewing the curtain.

Wrap the decorative embellishments around the curtain rod, if desired. Sew the curtain fabric to the rod, starting from the outside edge and working your way in.

6. Trim the excess fabric.

Once the curtain is securely sewn, trim off any excess fabric around the edges.

7. Attach the curtain to the window.

Hang the curtain from the curtain rod and adjust the length as needed.


  • Use a variety of decorative embellishments to create a unique and personalized look.
  • For a more rustic look, leave the curtain rod exposed.
  • If you want a more polished look, cover the curtain rod with a sheer curtain.
  • To make a grommet curtain, follow the instructions for making a grommet curtain, but use a curtain rod instead of a curtain rod ring.